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World of the Bizarre

Australia's oldest man credits very unusual diet

By T.K. Randall
May 20, 2021 · Comment icon 5 comments

Are chicken brains the secret to living for over a century ? Image Credit: PD - Wiki
Australia's oldest ever man has explained how a particularly unusual diet has contributed to his longevity.
At 111 years and 124 days old, retired cattle rancher Dexter Kruger is not only the oldest man in Australia, but also the oldest man ever recorded in the entire history of the country.

While many super-centenarians have attributed healthy living and exercise for their extreme old age, Kruger has revealed that the secret to his success is a weekly helping of chicken brains.

He detailed his penchant for this unusual delicacy during an interview with Australian Broadcasting Corp. at his rural nursing home in Queensland.

"Chicken brains," he said. "You know, chickens have a head. And in there, there's a brain. And they are delicious little things. There's only one little bite."

His son Greg - who is himself 74 - attributes his father's simple life in the outback for his longevity.

Kruger is one of a growing number of people to reach extreme old age in recent years.

The oldest living human on Earth is currently Kane Tanaka of Japan who is over 117 years old.

Source: Huffington Post | Comments (5)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Jon the frog 3 years ago
He surf near the definition of a zombie..
Comment icon #2 Posted by HandsomeGorilla 3 years ago
Lol you hear about these centenarians all the time, just mostly outliers with different dietary practice, or one they with a little inclusion they attribute to their health when, in reality, the result is far more reliant on genetics of that population and general lifestyle than "I eat chicken toes" or some crazy crap  Do you know what most of the longest lived people on planet earth have in common? Reliance on whole foods and lower caloric intake, those are the two common denominators 
Comment icon #3 Posted by spartan max2 3 years ago
A recent study looked at the genes of centurions and found most of them had a set of genes that helps repair DNA. 
Comment icon #4 Posted by Desertrat56 3 years ago
I remember one who was 106 and he said he attributed to smoking (without inhaling) one good cigar every day.   
Comment icon #5 Posted by oldnatcole 3 years ago
I hope I make as a centenarian.

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