World of the Bizarre
'UFO' stuns motorists on Florida Turnpike
T.K. RandallAugust 29, 2021 ·
Not your typical road user... Image Credit: Instagram / @onlyindade
A rather unusual vehicle managed to turn heads along a stretch of highway in Dade County, Florida recently.
When it comes to spotting a UFO, the general expectation is that the witness was looking up towards the sky when the sighting occurred.
In this particular case, however, the 'UFO' - far from zooming through the clouds - had joined motorists driving along the Florida Turnpike.
The bizarre sighting, which was caught on camera and uploaded onto Instagram, left motorists scratching their heads as the flying saucer cruised casually along the road.
On closer inspection, the driver can be seen through the cockpit along with an alien passenger.
Exactly what was going on remains unclear - perhaps the unusual vehicle was being driven to some sort of show, or perhaps it was simply the latest creation of an amateur novelty vehicle designer.
Whatever the case, the video has since managed to rack up a fair number of views on social media.
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UFO, Florida
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