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Browsing news and articles:
Modern Mysteries

Military fighter jets intercept mystery balloon high over United States

 VIDEO  2-24-2024 | 34

NORAD has been tracking an unknown high-altitude balloon that was first spotted on Friday.

The UFO Phenomenon

UFOs abound in Maryland with nearly 2,000 reports of unknown objects

10-9-2023 | 8

Florida, California and New York remain some of the top places in the United States to see a UFO.

Space & Astronomy

Mystery Russian satellite is 'stalking' US military satellite

4-28-2023 | 13

There is evidence to suggest that the satellite - named Kosmos-2558 - is tailing a confidential US satellite.

Space & Astronomy

Is the United States in a new space race with China ?

4-16-2023 | 6

It's no secret that the US and China are staunch rivals in the space sector - but are we really witnessing a new space race ?

World of the Bizarre

Two representatives from a fictional country attended meetings at the UN

3-15-2023 | 7

Individuals representing the 'United States of Kailasa' reportedly managed to sneak into the United Nations twice last month.

Nature & Environment

Intelligent hybrid 'super pigs' are starting to invade the United States

2-24-2023 | 28

It might sound like the plot of a movie, but these so-called 'super pigs' are very much the real deal.

Creatures, Myths & Legends

Bigfoot tales abound in New York state's Chautauqua County

12-6-2022 | 15

The forests of this unassuming region of the northeastern United States are said to be home to the elusive Bigfoot.

Nature & Environment

Video shows shark in residential back yard during Hurricane Ian

 VIDEO  9-30-2022 | 7

The destructive hurricane currently making landfall in the United States has been displacing the local wildlife.

The UFO Phenomenon

Bill Clinton talks about UFOs in 'Late Show' interview

 VIDEO  6-17-2022 | 9

The former president of the United States briefly touched upon the phenomenon and the possibilities of alien life.

Science & Technology

Record-breaking lightning flash traveled almost 500 miles

 VIDEO  2-5-2022 | 1

An incredible 'megaflash' of lightning recently streaked for hundreds of miles across the United States.

Nature & Environment

'Murder hornet' nest found with 1,500 larvae

8-29-2021 | 13

The battle to stop these giant, invasive wasps from gaining a foothold in the United States is heating up.

Nature & Environment

Dead 'murder hornet' discovered in the US

6-17-2021 | 3

The dried-up specimen is the first giant Asian hornet found in the United States so far this year.

World of the Bizarre

Pentagon has a zombie outbreak defense plan

9-21-2020 | 21

It turns out that there is a genuine plan in place to defend the United States in the event of a zombie apocalypse.

The UFO Phenomenon

Reporter keeps asking politicians about UFOs

2-6-2020 | 6

Daymond Steer has quizzed many of the United States' most prominent politicians about the phenomenon.

Ghosts & Hauntings

Family 'haunted' by creepy talking Elsa doll

1-16-2020 | 26

A family in the United States has been left terrified by an Elsa doll that seems to have a mind of its own.


Is belief in alien life a whole new religion ?

6-5-2019 | 113

In the United States, there are almost as many believers in intelligent alien life as there are believers in God.

Space & Astronomy

Oldest known total eclipse footage revealed

 VIDEO  6-2-2019 | 1

119-year-old footage of a total solar eclipse over the Southeastern United States has been posted online.

Modern Mysteries

Lock of George Washington's hair discovered

2-15-2018 | 6

Hair belonging to the first ever President of the United States has been found in an 18th-century almanac.

Science & Technology

Human magnetic 'sixth sense' discovered

6-27-2016 | 19

A researcher in the United States believes he has found evidence of a magnetic 'sixth sense' in humans.


Google takes photos of secret base 'Area 6'

3-9-2016 | 31

Move over Area 51 - the United States now has another, even more secretive base in the Nevada desert.

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