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Mystery brain surgery and JFK

February 7, 2020 | Comment icon 7 comments
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This story was submitted to the site by Terry Parker Jr from Toronto Ontario Canada.
On December 9th, 1969, at 14 years of age, I was subjected to a unauthorized non-therapeutic brain surgical experiment, without informed consent, nor parental knowledge,while under the guise of treating epilepsy. (ie-"scar tissue removal")

Due to a great deal of damage control secrecy and concealment by the authorities, it has been most difficult to discover what was secretly imposed. My medical records from the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children disclose a pathology report listing various unauthorized brain tissue resections, along with a separate sheet with a diagram of a left temporal lobe, which is not mentioned on my pathology report and representing someone else's brain tissue.

Such tissue which appears to have been utilized for a covert transplant when my X-rays demonstrate brain tissue in my cranium secured by 43 metallic implants in the cerebral cortex. (I do recall a intern whisper to me before leaving the OR that he put a copy of what they put into me, in my medical records.)
Here's the kicker, the only person during the 60's whose left temporal lobe remains unaccounted for is former US President JFK. Hard to rule out, considering all the secrecy and concealment surrounding JFK's missing brain tissue, and Dr. Harold J Hoffman's covert brain surgical experimentation upon defenseless unwitting children who suffer epilepsy.

The Patient Advocate points out that I am a victim of criminal assault and battery, yet cannot intervene in fear of losing her job, and further encouraged to disclose this on-going problem.

Who else agrees, that the very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society?

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Scholar4Truth 5 years ago
So this person is claiming this Dr. may have part of JFK's brain as well as his and the brains of others that are being used for experiments?
Comment icon #2 Posted by Rollo 5 years ago
There is a bunch of hospitals in that area. Any experimental treatments and study’s are usually done hand in hand with UofT. Check with them for info on the procedure that was performed. Advocates just tend to brush you off so you go away. Consult a lawyer if you feel that your rights were violated. They are the only ones that get anywhere with them. But jfk come on
Comment icon #3 Posted by Jujo-jo 5 years ago
Dr. Malcom Fields.....
Comment icon #4 Posted by micahc 5 years ago
I think you got Abby Normal's brain.
Comment icon #5 Posted by jbondo 4 years ago
Just came across this thread today and while unauthorized tampering with anything on a living person is a crime, I couldn't help but laugh at this comment. One of the greatest films ever made. That said, if this hospital staff was messing with you, I have no doubt it's isolated. I'd try to get a manifest of other children who were there at the time and maybe this will turn into a class action. Unless it's all a fictitious story. The JFK part kind of damages the credibility.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Jodie.Lynne 4 years ago
I recently watched a YouTube video about Henrietta Lacks. Apparently, in the early 1950's, patient cionsent, was not an issue. Henrietta's cancerous cells were harvested without either her consent, or knowledge, by John's Hopkins University.
Comment icon #7 Posted by the13bats 4 years ago
Um, i guess i would like to see these medical records, black out name, personal info etc, But i dont have much to go on.

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