The bright object seemed to descend from the sky. Image Credit: Margaret Pfeiffer / YouTube
A Georgia resident caught a strange object on camera while filming her property after a lightning storm.
Margaret Pfeiffer had been surveying her property when she noticed a bright object falling from the sky at an angle. Pointing her camera upwards she was able to film it for several seconds before it disappeared behind some trees.
"I captured this after the fire from across the street here," she wrote on her YouTube upload. "Say what you will but, this has no wing's as a plane would have. There isn't even a shadow for the wing area."
The footage has generated a lot of discussion since appearing online however a definitive explanation has yet to be found.
Around 2008, I was fooled by this very illusion. I looked up and saw what looked like two large shells back to back with a space between them. They were moving slowly across the sky. I could not see any appendages. I rushed to get my camera but when I came back the "objects" were too far away. But within a few minutes, I saw another set and took some pictures of them. It is only when I looked at the pictures on the computer that on one of them I recognized a faint indication this might be a plane. If it weren't for that picture, I might have gone on thinking I had seen something unexplainable ... [More]
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