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NASA's mysterious EMDrive still seems to work

By T.K. Randall
November 7, 2015 · Comment icon 49 comments

The EMDrive could make it possible to reach Mars within just ten weeks. Image Credit: NASA
A propulsion system that has been frequently branded as 'impossible' does actually work, claims NASA.
The electromagnetic propulsion engine, which some scientists believe could herald a new era of spaceflight by replacing conventional chemical rocket engines, has been a hot topic recently, not least because there has been a lot of confusion over whether it actually works at all.

Having been testing the drive now for over twelve months, NASA scientists had previously concluded that it was "producing a force that is not attributable to any classical electromagnetic phenomenon."

Since then updates on the matter have remained sporadic and unclear, with some news reports suggesting that scientists had discounted the engine entirely or that it wasn't quite what it seemed.
Now however the space agency has released an official update revealing that the EMDrive does actually work - even though efforts to explain how it works have continued to remain unsuccessful.

"I will tell you that we first built and installed a second generation, closed face magnetic damper that reduced the stray magnetic fields in the vacuum chamber by at least an order of magnitude and any Lorentz force interactions it could produce," said NASA's Paul March.

"And yet the anomalous thrust signals remain."

If tests continue to confirm the capabilities of the EMDrive then it could eventually make it possible for us to travel around the solar system within a matter of weeks instead of months or years.

Source: Yahoo! news | Comments (49)

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Comment icon #40 Posted by Frank Merton 9 years ago
Spacetime isn't being created. It is being stretched. It seems spacetime is quite stretchy. Harte I've seen it expressed both ways. The reason I used "created" is because the "amount" of dark energy (and energy is equivalent to mass) does not get diluted as the galaxies recede, as we would expect and as happens to ordinary matter and to dark matter. The quantity of dark energy increases per unit of volume, to the point that, while it was minuscule at the beginning, it now dominates, and eventually will dominate almost completely. Hence the acceleration. Space and the dark energy in it seems to... [More]
Comment icon #41 Posted by Frank Merton 9 years ago
But, if not expanding, we are stretching? And if so - stretching into what? The universe is all there is, so it is not going into anywhere, just getting bigger (if it is finite) or getting less dense (if infinite). It takes some thinking out of the box to realize what is being said -- a finite universe has no edge but curves onto itself, and just gets bigger from the point of view of someone inside it, there being no outside.
Comment icon #42 Posted by Imaginarynumber1 9 years ago
Comment icon #43 Posted by Thorvir Hrothgaard 9 years ago
Not alien technology, British technology actually. The yanks are good at stealing others inventions. We Brits are like Atlantis at inventing stuff but unbelievably poor at investing in it and keeping hold of the technology for ourselves. You're welcome to steal dental care from us, if it makes you feel better. (I know, I'm a month late with this...darn it)
Comment icon #44 Posted by Nnicolette 9 years ago
Sounds great! i just spent $1000 (again) at my sons dentist today because the ones that accept medical do not provide service within the timeframe that would permit him to stay alive. Meanwhile while on a waiting list for two years his tiny cavity spread into $4000 worth of absessed teeth rootcanals and crowns and would have killed him if i hadnt found a dentist that would let us in for cash. Obamacare
Comment icon #45 Posted by Harte 9 years ago
I've seen it expressed both ways. The reason I used "created" is because the "amount" of dark energy (and energy is equivalent to mass) does not get diluted as the galaxies recede, as we would expect and as happens to ordinary matter and to dark matter. The quantity of dark energy increases per unit of volume, to the point that, while it was minuscule at the beginning, it now dominates, and eventually will dominate almost completely. Hence the acceleration. Space and the dark energy in it seems to be being created, or if "stretched," then the energy (mass) of the dark energy is increasing. Als... [More]
Comment icon #46 Posted by Harte 9 years ago
Not alien technology, British technology actually. The yanks are good at stealing others inventions. We Brits are like Atlantis at inventing stuff but unbelievably poor at investing in it and keeping hold of the technology for ourselves. You're welcome to steal dental care from us, if it makes you feel better. (I know, I'm a month late with this...darn it) The Brits do make some fine automobiles. The only reason they don't make TVs is they can't figure out how to make them leak oil. Harte
Comment icon #47 Posted by josellama2000 9 years ago
Even, - considering the balloon-analogy - it still expands into something. It's a bit like a reverse of the theological argument; `If God is - who were before God? Who is God's "father?´ - thinking out of the perspective of being linear. An atheist never settles with an theist argument that; `God always were´. visualizing our 4 dimensional world is really easy, but before let me clarify that i think that a universe's state is not perfectly hyper-spherical, because not only distance but gravity also makes its shape. When people try to visualize an expanding hyper-sphere, most of the t... [More]
Comment icon #48 Posted by Frank Merton 9 years ago
I see what you mean. I just wanted to point out that elbow room and spacetime are two different things. The change in length of a Planck unit would be unmeasurable (meaning, less than one Planck length) in the lifetime of the universe, unless, of course, the universe never ends and never stops expanding. The expansion only occurs where it's not opposed (for example, people won't get taller because of it, the Earth wont expand or get further from the Sun because of it, since electromagnetic force and gravitational force far more than compensate for the tiny force of expansion.) Since the tiny e... [More]
Comment icon #49 Posted by josellama2000 9 years ago
Quote: I have boldened the last paragraph -- this implies that the Plank length and so on really are constants, at least that is what I understand, although of course how would we prove it. It is suppose to be constant because it was inferred from other constants. So in order to prove that the Plank length is not constant, you just need to prove that any of C, h or G are not constant. I like pho

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