Pascagoula abduction witnesses come forward
T.K. RandallApril 5, 2019 ·
What really happened that night ? Image Credit: PD - Kai Stachowiak
Three witnesses claim to have seen a UFO on the night of one of the world's most famous abduction cases.
The incident, which took place along the banks of the Pascagoula River, Mississippi on October 11th 1973, has remained a topic of heated debate for more than 45 years.
Calvin Parker Jr and Charles Hickson had been out fishing when they reported witnessing a strange oval-shaped object with blue lights descending from the sky. The craft was said to have made a peculiar whizzing sound and eventually came to rest a couple of feet above the ground nearby.
What happened next would terrify both men for the rest of their days.
Three strange creatures emerged from the object that were vaguely humanoid in shape and stood approximately 5ft in height. They had no discernible eye sockets and only a small slit for a mouth. In place of hands they had lobster-like claws and seemed to move in an inhuman, robotic-like manner.
The men then reported being paralyzed and "floated" aboard the craft where they were subjected to a detailed physical examination. The incident seemed to end as abruptly as it had begun as Hickson and Parker found themselves back on the beach with no sign of the UFO and no indication that anything had happened.
Hickson maintained until his death in 2011 that events happened the way he described them and Parker, too, continues to insist that everything they had seen and witnessed was true.
Now, four-and-a-half decades after the event took place, three new witnesses have emerged who claim to have seen a blue light in the sky in the same area and at around the same time.
"I was looking at the sky and I noticed a blue light in the sky over where they were fishing," said Maria Blair who had been sitting with her husband in their car on the opposite side of the river.
"It started moving and it seemed like it was following along the Pascagoula River. I just seen the lights on it. It was just going back and forth. Sometimes it would just sit there."
Another witness, Judy Branning, also saw something unusual that night.
"We were on a double date that night," she said. "We were at a red light at Chicot and Highway 90, and we were basically sitting on the railroad track. I saw some lights, and I wasn't sure what I was looking at because it was so far away."
Soon however, the object started to come closer.
"It didn't make noise," she said. "It had bright, bright lights. It got closer and it was hovering. It was kind of a saucer shape or disc shape with a rounded top. The radio started sounding like it was running through all the stations and the car went dead. We were freaking out."
Could the object have been connected to the abduction of Hickson and Parker ?
The search for answers continues.
Clarion Ledger |
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Alien Abduction, UFO
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