For thousands of years, termites have been constructing a vast network of mounds in northeastern Brazil.
Footage of the tri-horned bovine managed to rack up thousands of views on social media this week.
Residents of Teixeira de Freitas were treated to a rather unusual and unnerving spectacle this week.
Despite having two additional limbs, the young chick, which wasn't expected to live, is doing quite well.
One of the world's rarest snakes has been sighted again for the first time in more than six decades.
Researchers in Brazil have warned that some vampire bat populations have started targeting humans.
An ancient civilization is believed to have built standing stones in the rainforest over 1,000 years ago.
A 600-mile-long coral reef at the mouth of the Amazon river has taken scientists completely by surprise.
An investigation was conducted by authorities in Brazil following a spate of UFO 'attacks' in 1977.
A bizarre incident at a bar in Brazil recently saw an intoxicated monkey go on a knife-wielding rampage.
It is looking as though pensioner Joao Coelho de Souza could be the oldest human being that ever lived.
The strange burning object was sighted by multiple witnesses across two countries earlier this month.
An airline in Brazil changed one of its flight numbers after a psychic warned that the plane would crash.
Sao Paulo resident Jose Aguinelo dos Santos is thought to be the oldest living man ever documented.
Man-made ditches found across the Bolivian and Brazilian Amazon remain something of a mystery.
A region over Brazil has become notorious for satellite failures, weird lights and other phenomena.
The 8-year-old daughter of a pastor has been giving hope to some of Brazil's poorest people.
Scientists in Brazil have identified the first new species of river dolphin in almost 100 years.
A completely new cat species known as the tigrina has been identified in northeastern Brazil.
Wildlife researchers came across the prehistoric rock-art while searching for white-lipped peccaries.