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Browsing news and articles:
Space & Astronomy

NASA 'sonification' video is like hearing the music of the universe

 VIDEO  9-5-2024 | 6

This fascinating and profound audio piece is literally a musical manifestation of astronomical data.

Nature & Environment

Plan to use heavy metal music to deter orca attacks could backfire

11-21-2023 | 8

Sailors off the Iberian coast have been attempting to find ways to protect their boats from being attacked by killer whales.

Ghosts & Hauntings

Alice Cooper and Cher among singers who have encountered a ghost

10-31-2022 | 9

The world of music has seen more than its fair share of ghost sightings and paranormal experiences over the years.

Ghosts & Hauntings

David Bowie was convinced that the ghost of his father was phoning him

4-24-2022 | 12

The music legend, who himself passed away in 2016, had previously recalled his own potentially paranormal experience.

World of the Bizarre

Canadian sets record for lowest female note

 VIDEO  4-21-2021 | 2

Singer/songwriter Joy Chapman recently set a new world record for the lowest musical note sung by a woman.


Bronze Age Brits turned bones into instruments

9-1-2020 | 6

During the Bronze Age, our ancestors would sometimes turn the bones of their relatives into musical instruments.

Modern Mysteries

Family hears music, voices coming from walls

 VIDEO  2-24-2020 | 12

An Illinois family has been plagued by what sound like radio broadcasts coming from their walls at night.


'Storm Area 51' has now become 'Alienstock'

8-15-2019 | 9

A plan to send thousands of people through the gates of Area 51 seems to have turned into a music festival.

Ghosts & Hauntings

Guitar store CCTV captures ghostly activity

 VIDEO  6-24-2019 | 46

A store selling musical instruments in Brighton, UK has been gaining something of a haunted reputation.

World of the Bizarre

UK band to build pyramid out of human ashes

11-21-2018 | 6

Two members of a British music group are planning to build a pyramid out of bricks containing human ashes.

Space & Astronomy

Scientists create symphony of a Martian sunrise

 VIDEO  11-9-2018 | 5

The haunting musical creation was algorithmically produced to celebrate 5,000 Martian sunrises.

Nature & Environment

Scientists play classical music for crocodiles

5-5-2018 | 9

The bizarre new experiment aimed to analyze how juvenile crocodile brains react to complex stimuli.

World of the Bizarre

Popular new 'song' is 10 minutes of silence

8-24-2017 | 33

A new iTunes music track consisting of absolutely nothing at all has been steadily climbing the charts.

Science & Technology

Mozart lowers blood pressure, ABBA doesn't

6-23-2016 | 20

Scientists in Germany have been attempting to find out how music affects a listener's blood pressure.

Space & Astronomy

Astronauts heard 'music' on moon's far side

 VIDEO  2-21-2016 | 39

The crew of Apollo 10 recalled hearing strange 'space music' while orbiting the far side of the moon.

Nature & Environment

Sharks are attracted to death metal music

 VIDEO  7-13-2015 | 19

The crew of a TV documentary about sharks used death metal to help them attract a huge great white.

Metaphysics & Psychology

Famed musician 'channeled dead composers'

6-23-2015 | 16

Rosemary Brown was renowned for creating music with the help of deceased famous composers.

World of the Bizarre

Woman can sing two notes at the same time

 VIDEO  10-7-2014 | 33

German musician Anna-Maria Hefele possesses the remarkable ability to sing two notes simultaneously.

Science & Technology

Robot band 'Z-Machines' to release an album

 VIDEO  2-18-2014 | 9

A musical three-piece made up entirely of robots is set to release its very own album of original music.

Science & Technology

Why does our brain crave music ?

4-17-2013 | 16

Humans have been playing and listening to music since the dawn of time, so what makes it so appealing ?

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