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Someone calling my name

February 9, 2018 | Comment icon 8 comments
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This story was submitted to the site by Voice1 from Budd Lake NJ.
I have been taking care of my aunt almost a year now and several times very early in the morning when it's still dark and she's asleep I hear her calling my name.

So I get up to find she's still asleep or I've asked her when we got up if she was calling me and she didn't remember so not sure if she was calling me in her sleep.

But this has happened several times already and then another time a male voice was calling my name I didn't quite recognize it. And recently during the day I could have sworn I heard her call my name so I went out I was like did you call me she said no.
I'm not sure if someone is trying to warn me about something and why I keep hearing her voice call me.

I have heard my mother call me after she passed away and my one brother I heard his voice call my name also after he had passed away but only once. I was asleep both times and clearly heard their voice call me.

The First with my aunt because she is elderly and I was thinking maybe she's calling me in her sleep or maybe it's just in my head because I'm taking care of her and she calls me to go to the bathroom a lot maybe it's still stuck in my head.

So not exactly sure what's happening as I had never had this happen so many times outside of the one time hearing my mother and brother after they passed.

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Comment icon #1 Posted by nitrovitro 7 years ago
Those are demons playing tricks. I had the same experience.  if you put a night vision cam you will see these white things moving very fast that them. 
Comment icon #2 Posted by XenoFish 7 years ago
Demons don't exist and orbs are either bugs/dust.
Comment icon #3 Posted by freetoroam 7 years ago
Would you like to post one of these videos please....but bare in mind we have seen quite a few which have been posted and they have all been dust or bugs. But if you can show us something which we have not seen numerous times before by people claiming spirit orbs or demons,  then i would be very interested in seeing your night vision cam footage. 
Comment icon #4 Posted by freetoroam 7 years ago
This is very typical of someone who is under stress, having an irregular sleeping patern, and has had major changes in their life and an uncertain future. .    She obviously is not well, hence why she is needing someone to look after her, so chances are she would not remember calling your name while asleep,  a person does not even need to be unwell to talk in their sleep and not remember doing so. This is part of grieving. It is not uncommon to hear this after losing a loved one, as you have lost 2, then this is not surprising at all....note:  it happens while sleeping. So much has happe... [More]
Comment icon #5 Posted by nitrovitro 7 years ago
mock satan call him a loser do it in your home and see.
Comment icon #6 Posted by nitrovitro 7 years ago
Comment icon #7 Posted by XenoFish 7 years ago
Satan simply  means "an adversary, one who resists." So yeah. Scary.
Comment icon #8 Posted by freetoroam 7 years ago
Sorry what was that? Some guy walking about in his boxers? 

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