CCTV camera footage captured the moment a large portion of the pitch was swallowed up by a gaping hole.
A shadowy figure has been blamed for setting off the siren of a Red Cross ambulance in Costa Rica.
The alleged Bigfoot prints appeared to have been left by someone or something that wasn't wearing any shoes.
An intriguing story recently surfaced that describes a very close encounter with an alleged Bigfoot in California.
The peculiar clip was reportedly taken from security footage recorded at a farm in the north-east of the country.
A veteran crime scene recreation expert has weighed in on the authenticity of the controversial video.
The Firelands Local School District in Ohio was locked down earlier this month for a very strange reason indeed.
A number of allegedly extraterrestrial-related items were seized after police descended on the Museo del Ovni.
Bigfoot researcher and filmmaker Kelley Lockman has a theory concerning the discoveries of carcasses drained of blood.
The bizarre murder trial, which took place in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma - concerned a Bigfoot-related killing.
Major change is afoot regarding NASA's plans to return samples of Martian soil and rock to the Earth.
At the time of its original release, some people believed that the iconic found-footage movie was actually real.
Several witnesses claim to have had an encounter with what has been described as a growling bipedal creature.
The alleged sasquatch was sighted along the top of a nearby ridge back at the beginning of February.
The man, who intended to visit Washington state, had wanted to know if shooting Bigfoot would break the law.
For the first time, footage has emerged showing the capabilities of Elon Musk's Neuralink brain-computer interface chip.
The Pentagon's official UFO office now has a section on its website dedicated to videos of UAPs.
The enormous footprint was found imprinted in the mud along a picturesque coastal path.
So far nobody has been able to prove Bigfoot exists, let alone capture one, so how would an AI approach the problem ?
The men, who had been operating a reconnaissance drone, spotted a wide, thin disc hovering in the distance.