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Psychic Experiences

Spontaneous exorcisms

July 5, 2019 | Comment icon 6 comments
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This story was submitted to the site by Chickadee1948 from Ontario.
Many of us are drawn by simple curiosity to Edgar Cayce's readings, to discover what the famous sleeping psychic saw while in a trance state. And Cayce often encountered spirits, as he states in reading 3744-1: "The spirit of all that have passed from the physical realm remain within this sphere' There are thousands about us here at present." Cayce talked about spirit possession, and informs us in reading 5753-1, "Discarnate entities' may influence the thought of an entity." In reading 638-1, given for an elderly patient suffering insanity, Cayce declares: "We have possession."

Cayce's Christian conditioning probably provided the religious framework and perspective for his readings. Christianity comes with rules and consequences, and is therefore a form of spiritual regulation or governance based on the absolute belief in the reality of unseen spirits. The Christian spirit world consists of: 3 spirits combined into one divinity at the apex, with countless orders of spirits below. These are divided politically into angels and demons, and their influence over us is easily demonstrated by the difficulty we have in eliminating them.

When a high spiritual healer like Jesus of Nazareth decided to launch his public career, the bible states that he first had to spend 40 days and nights in the desert just to cleanse himself of his own demons. The story suggests that our common lives are rife with unseen spirits. Indeed, casting out demons was central to Jesus's ministry, as the bible records many exorcisms. His strongest admonishments to his followers were to grow stronger faith in order to heal with exorcism.

Broadly speaking, exorcism is the freeing of a: person, place, or object, from some form of negative spiritual influence. Many ancient cultures including shamanism developed local forms of dealing with unwanted spirits, suggesting that the problem of spiritual interference is universal and timeless . I discovered quite by accident that there is a natural clearing process, or spontaneous exorcisms!

In retirement, I finally found the time and courage to dig into those extraordinary but undigested experiences that I had filed away as: 'Crazy stuff ' Do Not Open!'.

My first crazy vision came in my twenties, after a weekend of intense therapy where I had released a great deal of emotional pain around my childhood fears. Back at work on a bright Monday morning, I was walking across campus to get coffee when my thoughts returned to leftover feelings from the weekend. As I began to reconnect with the long-forgotten warmth deep in my belly, I allowed the feeling to grow into an uncharacteristic light heartedness. A young couple walking a hundred feet ahead of me stopped to embrace before parting. I felt a surge of joy as I watched their affection manifesting before me. Suddenly, I noticed a large plume of dense grey smoke rising up quietly and quickly from behind my head. Like a dark, eerie shadow it rose up over 10 feet, still connected to me by its tail, before launching itself forward directly towards the couple. As the plume of smoke flew towards them, it grew two large arms of grey smoke which opened to enfold the couple, and then disappear into their bodies.

The event was over in seconds. No one else seemed to notice. I was stunned with disbelief, but knew intuitively that it came from a hidden world. It's sudden appearance was frightening, but I felt good afterwards. It would be 40 years before I would see the smoky creature again, and another 3 years before I would arrive at a positive ID on the entity.
My wife and I retired to the country where I had my second crazy vision. I began to meditate outside, where I developed a spiritual ritual in which I would raise Gaia energies from the ground using Qigong patterns. One sunny afternoon, as I was walking to my mediation spot I started to prepare myself mentally, when I stepped back suddenly to avoid a small but nasty prickly ash tree. As I stepped back into a patch of sunlight, a man-sized plume of dense grey smoke jumped out of me, from behind the left side of my head, and flew ahead of me down the path. It rushed past me so quickly that I mistook it for a person, and I called out: 'Hey', as it flew past me down the path. I sensed that Old Smoke was in a huge hurry to be away from me. This time I sensed a greater intimacy with this shadowy apparition, like an old acquaintance. I felt confused but strangely elated.

In the 40 years between sightings, I had grown to accept that Mr. Smoke was my shadow self, a concept promoted by Carl Jung, in his book, Modern Man in Search of a Soul. Jung's shadow self is the dark part of our personality that we reject in order to survive in our society. He states:'The most intelligent man may at times be obsessed with thoughts which he cannot drive away with the greatest effort of will. We only believe that we are masters in our own house because we like to flatter ourselves.' Jung instructs us to embrace and own our dark side, in order to achieve integration of self, and bring an end to internal wars.

Today, the Catholic Church's leading exorcist in the USA is Dr. Richard Gallagher. As a board-certified psychiatrist, and professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University, he walks a fine line between mental health and demonic possession. He's breaking down biases held traditionally by conventional medicine, as he claims to be the USA's premier 'demonic consultant'. He bases his declarations that demonic possession is real, on first hand observations, and a growing body of empirical evidence. He claims to be able: 'to spot demonic possession' and discern it from mental illnesses. Because of his Catholic faith, he works with the Catholic Church to help clear harmful demons from humans, and reports that demand for exorcisms in the USA is increasing. In just one decade, the Catholic Church had to expand its national team, from 12 to 50 exorcists because of increased demand. He admits that religious exorcisms often need to be repeated many times in order to succeed.

Neither Cayce's cosmology, Jung's scientific model of the human, nor Gallagher's combination of Christianity and science, were able to provide an explanation for Mr. Smoke. When my spiritual quest finally led me to the shamanic path, I discovered the bit of information that changed everything.

A shamanic student with psychic ability had written a blog in which he talked about a shamanic training session. He described seeing strange entities that fit my description while in a room full of students practicing extraction of unwanted energies. The psychic student reported seeing dark grey plumes of smoke leaving one client lying on the floor, and immediately entering another.

Fossils, rock carvings, and other evidence from ancient shamanic cultures around the world suggests that humanity has been dealing with interfering spirits for many thousands of years, long before organized religions were created.

Traditionally, proof of spirits has always been experienced subjectively through the interaction of spirits with individual humans. Today's scientific community demands objective proof that can be quantified, recorded, and manipulated under lab conditions. Until science produces more sensitive instruments that can measure subtle energies, it will continue to publicly deny the existence of the spirit world. I smiled when I learned that one of Einstein's favourite reads was a book on theosophy called The Secret Doctrine, by psychic Madame Blavatsky.

My 'eyes wide open experience' is the strongest proof I could ever ask for. I know now, without researching extensive libraries, and beyond the shadow of a doubt, that spirits exist, and they can enter us and influence our lives. More importantly, they can also be managed and removed by us, once we wake up to their presence, and the power of our own spiritual sovereignty.

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Piney 5 years ago
Well, according to Edgar, Native Americans are half Atlantean, half Hebrew and are something called the "Red Race". He also claimed the Adena Culture were migrants from the South when they actually came down from the North and told Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh their child was still alive and in a house.  @XenoFish   C'MERE DOGGY! HERE BOY! WEH WEH!  Guess somebody rather stay afar! 
Comment icon #2 Posted by XenoFish 5 years ago
Oh come on man. Do I have too? 
Comment icon #3 Posted by XenoFish 5 years ago
@Piney Every time I see Cayce, Theosophy, and that Blavatsky lady. I really want no part in it. Even stuff regarding "spiritual shaman woo-woo". It's gotten old. I mean anyone with half a brain knows that native americans are colonist from venus. The great exodus after global nuclear war with the didn't read that, you did not read that.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Piney 5 years ago
Comment icon #5 Posted by XenoFish 5 years ago
Didn't we already do this thread before?  
Comment icon #6 Posted by rashore 5 years ago
Yes, sorry, this story has already been posted, here:   Thread closed.

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